Generation WE is proud to announce our partnership with the Charlotte Mecklenburg Library! Together, we have created the "Librarians Council for Inclusive Literature". This braintrust of library experts and educators meets regularly to discuss pertinent topics and to curate a growing list of the most relevant children’s books. These resources focus on building literacy while providing windows into an array of cultures and affirmation of diverse identities. Generation WE is grateful to the eight Charlotte-based librarians who generously offer their talent and expertise in support of children all over the country. Special thanks goes out to Jesse Isley, Senior Program Manager for Children’s Services and Martha Yesowitch, the Community Partnerships Manager without whom this partnership would not have been possible.
Generation WE hosts monthly inclusive story times at various branches throughout Charlotte. These special story time workshops are offered at no cost to participants, and include a read aloud of one of our books, followed by a multi sensory craft that enhances the story just shared. Each child goes home with a copy of the book that was read.
Generation WE partners with Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools to bring our workshops directly to students on campus throughout the school year. To date, WE have worked with 12 schools and over 1500 students. Each workshop focuses on the power of storytelling and celebrating and listening to our unique stories, ultimately creating stronger connections and empathy for others. We bring a large selection of our books for the children to browse and to take home.
Generation WE is proud to partner with WAYFINDERS by providing books for their mentor program on an ongoing basis. Generation WE also hosts their scholars for our UNIQUE SNEAKS workshop each year at no cost. Wayfinders’ unique model gives 150+ children from high-poverty schools the opportunity to supplement their education with experiences that improve academic achievement and physical activity, expand their social capital, and increase their preparedness for the workforce. We achieve this through three main components: camp, enrichment and mentoring.
Generation WE brings bi-monthly workshops for all students directly to the Nest campus at no cost. WE provide programming for students from Kindergarten through High School. The Nest Academy educates, empowers, and enriches Charlotte’s refugee, immigrant, underprivileged and at-risk children to become first-generation graduates.
Generation WE is proud to partner with the Market at 7th Street by providing free, brand new books for their on site lending libraries. In addition, Generation WE is sponsoring a wall mural and other community art engagements to be completed during Charlotte SHOUT 2025.
The Girl Scouts of America
Generation WE offered Brownies and Juniors an opportunity to attend our interactive workshop where girls will learned how to be authors and to write their own stories. Attendees received a Generation WE fun patch and will meet some requirements for their Scribe Badge.
”Books are a huge part of how we learn about the world around us, yet not all people or stories are represented in the books found in our homes, libraries, and schools. Help us change that! Brought to you by Generation We, girls will have the opportunity to explore what inspires them, share with others, put those ideas into their own book, and even get them published. Each attendee will get to choose a book to take home at the end of the workshop and earn a Fun Patch this Generation We workshop.”
Generation WE supports Sport Mode One by sponsoring their inclusive 3 on 3 league. Sport Mode One aims to be a bridge-builder using basketball to connect communities regardless of socio-economic background to teach the next generation that we are better together. Their unique 3 on 3 league invites athletes of ALL abilities and skill level, including those with neuro differences, physical differences and more. Generation WE is proud to support the inclusive sport environment that Sport Mode One creates.