JOIN THE GENERATION by joining our working board, The Change Makers
At Generation WE, we like to refer to our working board as the Change-Makers, because they are. This group of appointed individuals supports the organization by volunteering their expertise, time and skills throughout the year. Each member serves for two years, with the option to continue on a yearly basis.
The work that these incredible people do for Generation WE is invaluable, and they truly do make the difference in creating a more inclusive future for our kids. They ARE the change-makers.
We are looking to fill the following positions:
Volunteer Lead- Solicits, organizes and manages our many volunteers, young and old for events and workshops.
“A Night to Celebrate” Co-Chairs- In charge of event planning including sponsorship solicitation and acquisition, booking venue and vendors, marketing and soliciting ticket sales and silent auction set up.
School Liaison- Seeks new schools to partner with, maintains communication with schools by sending updates on workshops, opportunities and managing school calendar.